St. Augustine's R.C. Church
The celebration to welcome our new Parish Priest, Fr. Peter Murphy will be held on Sunday 8th September. This will begin with Mass at 11am. Bishop Paul Hendricks will be with us that day so it will be lovely to join him and Father Peter in this celebration. This will be followed with refreshments in the narthex. UCM Meeting in St Thomas' Parish Centre - for our next meeting we will be having Fish & Chips, for those who have ordered it, on Thursday 12 September. Please be there at 1.45pm for a 2pm start. If you have any queries, or need to put your name on the order please contact Alma Payne on 01634 362896. Fr Michael's Retirement. Fr
Michael has moved into St Peter's. Many of you will wish to visit him
and he will certainly be delighted to see you. Kathleen will manage
Father's diary and ensure visits are suitably spread out. The September collection for the Food Bank and Gillingham Street Angels will be the weekend of 14th/15th Sept. Thank you for your continued support. Food, toiletries and clothing can be left at the back of the Narthex. All food items will be donated to St. Margaret's Food Bank in Rainham and everything else (clothes, toiletries, money) to The Gillingham Street Angels. Emma MacQuillin has kindly volunteered to oversee this project but would like a reserve to call upon. Volunteers, please let Emma or any of the social committee know As this is the Pope's year of prayer, we will be continuing with the crafting mornings,to makeprayer cards/book marks. The nextsession will be held in the Narthex on Monday 16th September, from 10.15am. The bookmarks are easy to assemble, instructions and all materials will be provided. You can use your own prayer suggestionto make a personal gift for family, friends or yourself. The Refreshments will be available. Everyone is welcome. Our next Coffee morning is on Wednesday25th September 10.15am
to 11.45am, all our welcome. Prayer Group meeting is on Thursday 26th September from 6.15pm
for 6.30pm start. Parish Social Committee will be hosting a Quiz night at Parkwood Community Centre on Saturday 5th October, doors to open 7pm for a 7.30pm start. More details to follow. We have planned another Parish Day trip to City Europe on 14th November.Those who have reserved seats please remember to pay your £55 as soon as possible, see the newsletter for more information. School Governors Required: St Augustine's School is looking for new Foundation Governors. If you would like to consider volunteering, there is a notice in the Narthex with further information and contact details. Tea/coffee will be available after
the 9am Sunday Mass. Any volunteers to help please speak to Carmel. Transport needed for parishioner living in Sandgate Court, off Bayswater Drive, Parkwood to Saturday 6pm Mass. If anyone can volunteer for this, please let Roger or Teresa know. It would be helpful if we had a few volunteers to cover. The Southwark Catholic Youth Service has several activities in 2024 for youth and young adults. For regular updates on forthcoming events, please sign up to the network at www.tinyurl.com/scysnetwork or see our website at at www.tinyurl.com/scys1 The Poor Box
If you or someone
you know are struggling financially and would benefit from a donation
from our Poor Box funds then please do let Father know. It will be in
the strictest confidence. Easyfundraising Eucharistic
Adoration is on Thursday mornings from
10am until 11 am, straight after 9.30 Mass. We are still looking for new members to join the Parish Social Committee so if you are interested please mention it to Father or e-mail parkwood@rcaos.org.uk. Latest documents from Synod of Bishops can be found here and on our FaceBook page. If you are unable to attend Mass live Masses can also be viewed via
or at https://mass-online.org/ Second Collection causes 2024 can be seen here.